When evening came, Jesus was reclining at the table with the Twelve. 
-  Matthew 26:20



Easter is a festival where people gather around the table. Traditionally Easter in the Christian Church comes after a 40 day long period of fasting. People would really deserve to celebrate and eat well. Now the food is still just as important, although not as many of us practice the fasting anymore.
At easter we take the time to prepare our food slowly and set nice table to invite friends and family to celebrate with us. Enjoying long late breakfasts, with Easter eggs, social evenings where you gather friends and family for long slow cooked meals ... Easter was of course celebrated long before Christ, but in our part of the world (as in all Christian countries) the Holidays so we relate to today is based on the last days in the life of Jesus, as told in the Bible. This is also the inspiration for Ragnhild Wik (WIK OSLO) who is holding an exhibition this Easter at the Gallery Soon.

The main installation in the exhibition is a beautiful table covered with Ragnhilds ceramics. The inspiration for the table is  'THE LAST SUPPER'. According to biblical history, Jesus shared one last meal with his twelve disciples on Holy Thursday, the night before the Crucifixion.


The delicate play with colors combined with the rawness of Ragnhilds ceramics, is an interesting match with the rather brutal historical context. Ragnhild explores the Elements in her work, earth, water, fire and air are always present in her oeuvre. The Easter theme is further enhanced by references to the Bible, such as the ceramic fishes, crown of thorns, and of course the table set for twelve. The Easter Eggs in beautiful colors, are also references to classical Easter meals, and the colors of the eggs are strikingly similar to Ragnhilds pottery. Even the linen fabric on the table is hand dyed in order to get the right shade for the table setting.

While I write this Ragnhild is setting up her installations.  The images in this article are to be regarded as a "behind the scenes" reportage to inspire your own Easter table settings.

To see the final result of Ragnhilds table,you would have to go to Soon (or wait for a follow up article). Whether you are fascinated or not by the biblical story, Ragnhilds ceramics should be of interest to any one in love with raw delicate beauty! 


Galleri Soon is located right by the piers in the Center of Son. The house is old, soulful, and provides a beautiful setting for the art on display. Their exhibits range widely, from Ari Behn to Yoga photos. This Easter it will be Ragnhilds interpretation of "The Last Supper".

The exhibition stands from 8th - 30th April. If you should be in the area for Easter, a visit to this idyllic place is warmly recommended.

Marianne Vigtel Hølland

Slow Design Studio is a creative studio, working to counteract fast life and the disappearance of local traditions. Through a Slow approach to design and communication, I want to promote reflection and a more conscious approach to how the everyday choices you take has consequences, for yourself and others. Slow Design is not a pace, it is a mindset.

